What is a good level to start doing Crystal Caverns? [Archive] (2024)

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06-11-2019, 04:09 PM

Approaching 30 now, planning on doing HHK guards until 35-40. Wondering what a good level would be to start doing CC and raking in that velium/geode coin?


06-11-2019, 04:31 PM

I recall 30 being the start for CC. I dont remember what lvl I started doing the geoids on my shaman but I wanna say it was around 38- 40? Stayed there till 46 or 47 iirc.


06-11-2019, 07:21 PM

I had a really tough time in CC trying to solo Genoids on my Shaman at 40. I didn’t have a fungi tho. *shrug*


06-11-2019, 07:42 PM

The Per-Level Hunting Guide (http://wiki.project1999.com/Per-Level_Hunting_Guide) says 31 is the starting level for doing orcs, and 36 is the starting level for geonids.

Neither entry mentions classes though, so YMMV depending on your class vs. the class of whoever added those entries.


06-11-2019, 08:08 PM

The Per-Level Hunting Guide (http://wiki.project1999.com/Per-Level_Hunting_Guide) says 31 is the starting level for doing orcs, and 36 is the starting level for geonids.

Neither entry mentions classes though, so YMMV depending on your class vs. the class of whoever added those entries.

Ranger. Ideally I'd like to start doing CC around...maybe 39 (new spells then)? If I can't take Genoids there's still orcs near the town, stalag terrors, etc. I plan to do a lot of Kael too.


06-11-2019, 08:13 PM

I’d say realistically maybe 44-46 for ranger depending on gear for geos


06-11-2019, 08:24 PM

I’d say realistically maybe 44-46 for ranger depending on gear for geos

Geos are underconned, huh?

Is there any white, equal level target as you journey that a melee can fight one on one without big problems? Or is everything harder than it cons after a certain level?


06-11-2019, 08:28 PM

Geos are underconned, huh?

Is there any white, equal level target as you journey that a melee can fight one on one without big problems? Or is everything harder than it cons after a certain level?

Id say you could solo them at 40 with a fungi. Probably 42-44 without one. The main thing with the geoids is they hit like trucks unless you slow them. If you pickup that ranger slow sword it'd help a ton.

You can easily kill the spiders or terror hall for sure at 40 id think, if not the geoids. Might just be smart to bring a shaman partner and duo with ease.


06-11-2019, 08:33 PM

Id say you could solo them at 40 with a fungi. Probably 42-44 without one. The main thing with the geoids is they hit like trucks unless you slow them. If you pickup that ranger slow sword it'd help a ton.

You can easily kill the spiders or terror hall for sure at 40 id think, if not the geoids. Might just be smart to bring a shaman partner and duo with ease.

If a guildie wants to, absolutely.

On the fair chance that I'm never able to get a geode camp going though, depending on how often it's camped, is there a player market for velium ore? Wanted to do CC more for the money than the experience, and was hoping to make some good bank there to start saving up for MQ's and more expensive gear.


06-11-2019, 08:45 PM

If a guildie wants to, absolutely.

On the fair chance that I'm never able to get a geode camp going though, depending on how often it's camped, is there a player market for velium ore? Wanted to do CC more for the money than the experience, and was hoping to make some good bank there to start saving up for MQ's and more expensive gear.


I mention that for two reasons. One, if you're "hoping to make some good bank" that page has a wealth of suggestions on places to do so. And two ... you'll notice Crystal Caverns isn't on the list.

Velium ore is super useful to shawl questers and some other tradeskillers, and personally I love the zone, but because of the ore's weight and relative low value there's not a huge player market for it. I think most people just go get their own if they need it.

I'm not saying it won't sell in EC, but I certainly wouldn't expect it to sell well/quickly.


06-11-2019, 09:04 PM


I mention that for two reasons. One, if you're "hoping to make some good bank" that page has a wealth of suggestions on places to do so. And two ... you'll notice Crystal Caverns isn't on the list.

Velium ore is super useful to shawl questers and some other tradeskillers, and personally I love the zone, but because of the ore's weight and relative low value there's not a huge player market for it. I think most people just go get their own if they need it.

I'm not saying it won't sell in EC, but I certainly wouldn't expect it to sell well/quickly.

If CC isn't on the list, then geodes must not be good money on P99, must not drop a lot of chipped diamonds.

Big thanks for the list though. High Keep is good money now just because of the ears and fine steel swords, but after that is a mystery to me. That will help.


06-11-2019, 10:20 PM


I mention that for two reasons. One, if you're "hoping to make some good bank" that page has a wealth of suggestions on places to do so. And two ... you'll notice Crystal Caverns isn't on the list.

If CC isn't on the list, then geodes must not be good money on P99, must not drop a lot of chipped diamonds.

I would say its comparable or better than the money you would make killing gnolls in South Karana for fine steal weapons, which is another entry on the list.


06-12-2019, 04:42 AM

Geos are good money and should 100% be on the list. I averaged between 600 and 1k per hour there


06-12-2019, 06:55 AM

Geos are good money and should 100% be on the list. I averaged between 600 and 1k per hour there

Not bad at all. Are they all vendor gems or are some velious quest gems? I haven't camped geos since I played on live.


06-12-2019, 08:50 AM

As an FYI, I am looking for mass amounts of velium ore. If you do end up farming it, please sell it to me. No quantity limitations.

I can be your market ;)


06-12-2019, 09:10 AM

As an FYI, I am looking for mass amounts of velium ore. If you do end up farming it, please sell it to me. No quantity limitations.

I can be your market ;)

You got it.

When Guards at HHK stop being worthwhile to grind (I'm assuming around 40 or so), I'll probably give CC a try. I want to be bound close to Kael anyway so I can try and grind some of my Thurg armor.


06-12-2019, 10:46 AM

As an FYI, I am looking for mass amounts of velium ore. If you do end up farming it, please sell it to me. No quantity limitations.

I can be your market ;)



And also, to be clear, I wasn't trying to imply that if a zone isn't on the treasure guide you can't make money there. Obviously the guide isn't perfect and is missing lots of good places to make plat, and it's very possible there are one or more such places in Crystal Caverns.

I was just trying to say (and I still maintain) that there's not a huge player market for Velium ore (if there were, CC would likely be on that page already). But since you seem to have found a buyer perhaps, at least for you, velium farming can be a good source of income :)


06-12-2019, 11:09 AM



And also, to be clear, I wasn't trying to imply that if a zone isn't on the treasure guide you can't make money there. Obviously the guide isn't perfect and is missing lots of good places to make plat, and it's very possible there are one or more such places in Crystal Caverns.

I was just trying to say (and I still maintain) that there's not a huge player market for Velium ore (if there were, CC would likely be on that page already). But since you seem to have found a buyer perhaps, at least for you, velium farming can be a good source of income :)

Velium farming would be a side thing. It all depends on how often Geodes are camped and long the wait usually is to get it.


06-12-2019, 06:27 PM

you can actually start CC in a group at 25ish.


06-12-2019, 09:36 PM

Split paw is nice at 30. It's always empty too.

However, if you're a ranger you should bring a duo/trio unless you are twinked.


06-12-2019, 11:25 PM

Be advised, CC is often camped by 50+ nerds who wipe out every mob for their stupid quest bullsh*t


06-12-2019, 11:40 PM

Be advised, waffel is mad about other people playing Everquest in the same place he wants to play Everquest


06-13-2019, 12:15 AM

You never know, I may just ride HHK out into my 40s or even 50s if the exp holds up. About to hit 33 and it's still good.


06-13-2019, 12:36 PM

How would a level 40 SK fair in CC??


06-13-2019, 06:00 PM

Be advised, waffel is mad about other people playing Everquest in the same place he wants to play Everquest

I mean, yeah. There’s been the same few people in CC for days and they’ll wipe out every single orc at the top parts, with another high level wiping out all spiders and geos. That’s two people locking down the zone for anyone stupid enough to think “hey let’s go do some level-appropriate Exping”

Oh wait, maybe I’ll run around and find 1 random orc that respawned! Or let’s pull some tentacles and wait on the 4 to spawn again with their 16 min timer. Fun and exciting.

Honestly, go check the zone once in awhile. I guarantee people you see are all 50+, probably anon because that’s what cool kids do, and almost always in the zerg guild Dawn Believers.


06-14-2019, 05:19 AM

the zerg guild Dawn Believers.



06-14-2019, 05:40 AM

Not bad at all. Are they all vendor gems or are some velious quest gems? I haven't camped geos since I played on live.

Vendor the loots, as least thats what I did. There is a npc vendor in the same zone, you have to walk past this tiny bridge and get into city castle.

I made about 8k soloing for 5 or 6 levels (I don't remember the exact levels, something like 38-43). It was definitely good income considering you are getting exp at the same time, especially in that low level range.


06-14-2019, 01:39 PM

Honestly, go check the zone once in awhile. I guarantee people you see are all 50+, probably anon because that’s what cool kids do, and almost always in the zerg guild Dawn Believers.

I was in Crystal Caverns on Wednesday night, and the only people that I saw while I was in zone were in their early-mid 40's (as am I). Everyone was extremely nice to me and helped me out when the orcs pwned me (of which there were many!) and then invited me to their XP group. Lots of mobs of the appropriate level for us to kill! Had a lovely time.


06-14-2019, 02:26 PM

the zerg guild Dawn Believers.

This guy has cracked the code


06-14-2019, 09:22 PM

I was in Crystal Caverns on Wednesday night, and the only people that I saw while I was in zone were in their early-mid 40's (as am I). Everyone was extremely nice to me and helped me out when the orcs pwned me (of which there were many!) and then invited me to their XP group. Lots of mobs of the appropriate level for us to kill! Had a lovely time.

Were you the naked druid I DMF'd outside the CC entrance? If so, glad things worked out for you!


06-14-2019, 09:47 PM

Were you the naked druid I DMF'd outside the CC entrance? If so, glad things worked out for you!

Oh my goodness, yes that was me! :D

Thank you so much for helping, not sure how I thought I was going to get to my corpse down in that pit when all my bat wings were on the corpse... lol


06-14-2019, 09:52 PM

Oh my goodness, yes that was me! :D

Thank you so much for helping, not sure how I thought I was going to get to my corpse down in that pit when all my bat wings were on the corpse... lol

Next time just jump and try and hit some bridges on the way down. You'll be fine ... probably :)


06-14-2019, 10:34 PM

Next time just jump and try and hit some bridges on the way down. You'll be fine ... probably :)

That's actually what I have done a few times. I have tried running the tunnels down, but always get lost.


06-15-2019, 01:20 AM

Welp, I'm in CC now. Geodes are still a bit beyond me, maybe at 40ish I can take them, but Orcs are good exp and money at 37, so I'll be happy with them for a while. Wish I could bind here but it's not a hard zone to get back to so if something goes wrong, not a big deal.


06-15-2019, 02:01 PM

So Crystal Caverns are a little rough at 38. I can solo most of the Stalag Terrors except the ones on the higher end of their level range, and I can comfortably solo orcs near the city, but Geodes are still beyond me and Spiders are dangerous because of the ads. It's a good place, but I may opt to just hunt Frost Giants in GD once I ding 39 and get my proc spell, so I can start working on Thurg faction and start the Prayer Shawl quest.


06-17-2019, 08:23 AM

Need to be at least low to mid 40s for geodes to be worth it in CC.

Honestly the money from them is not very good either. Good exp camp though.

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What is a good level to start doing Crystal Caverns? [Archive] (2024)


What is the point of Crystal Caverns in Prodigy? ›

Miners love Shiverchill Mountains for its rich resource of valuable ice crystals. But power crystals — a strong source of magical energy — are even more valuable. The largest source of power crystals is Crystal Caverns: a section inside Shiverchill packed with Crystals that miners frequently search for.

How do you unlock Crystal Caverns in Prodigy? ›

To access the Crystal Caverns, open your world map and click on Shiverchill Mountains. This will then give you the option to enter the Crystal Caverns, or quest in Shiverchill. Once you have traveled to Shiverchill Mountains, click on the cave opening to enter the Crystal Caverns.

How many floors are in Crystal Cave? ›

Layout. This dungeon has 11 floors. There are two fundamental layouts in this dungeon: the first five floors have purple crystal walls, while floors 6-11 have pinkish crystal walls.

How many steps are in Crystal Cave? ›

I'm sorry but there are 211 steps inside the cave. To reach the cave you must walk up 4 sets of stairs about 8 steps each plus walk an incline. If you have difficulty walking it may be a good idea to skip the cave. We do offer other activities that may be suitable for you.

How to get sparkle snup in Prodigy? ›

Sparkle Snup can be obtained by finding it in Chests/Renewable Openables in Crystal Caverns.

What is the hardest map in Prodigy? ›

Firefly forest has to be the most easy map out of all. Skywatch and Shiverchill are easily the hardest.

Are the Crystal Caves worth it? ›

Are the Crystal Caves worth visiting? Yes, the Crystal Caves are worth the time to visit. If you are visiting Grand Cayman on a cruise, and you only have time to do one activity, then we recommend that you go to Stingray City because that is the most unique and popular tourist attraction in the Cayman Islands.

How many shadow leviathans are in the Crystal Caves? ›

A total of four Shadow Leviathans can be found in Sector Zero, two in the Fabricator Caverns and two in the Crystal Caves.

How deep is crystal cavern? ›

The Cave of Crystals is an underground cavern filled with tree-size gypsum crystals, including some of the largest natural crystals ever found. The cave is located around 980 feet (300 meters) deep and is connected to a lead, zinc and silver mine in Naica, 65 miles (105 kilometers) southeast of Chihuahua City.

What should I wear to Crystal Cave? ›

Trained tour guides present historical, geological, biological, and fun facts about Crystal Cave during the one hour tour. Visitors are suggested to wear comfortable walking shoes and a light jacket or sweater as the cave is a cool 54 degrees.

Can you swim in the Crystal Caves? ›

Our tours are guided and there is no swimming in the cave. Sensible rubber soled footwear is advised. A tour of one cave takes about 35 minutes. The combination tour of both Crystal and Fantasy caves takes about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Why did they remove Crystal Caverns in Prodigy? ›

Crystal Caverns was temporarily removed to make way for the Battle Remake.

Who is the final boss in Prodigy Crystal Caverns? ›

Crystal Golem is the fifth and final boss the player encounters in Prodigy Math's Crystal Caverns.

What do you do with crystals in Prodigy? ›

Upon putting all 4 Power Crystals into the furnace, the player receives an achievement called 'Turn Up the Heat'. The fourth unfreezes a chest that gives you a wand called Mjoln-Ice.

What do you get when you get 75 ice crystals in Prodigy? ›

Frozen Shard Wand


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